The Impact of Coronavirus

A little bit about Pyrotex Fireworx

The Year of 2020!
Pyrotex Fireworx are normally in 5-10 different countries every year either supporting or competing with our own shows. 2020 was looking to be the busiest year for us, both globally and in the UK, but with the coronavirus pandemic this soon became apparent that it was all about to change. Every day we were getting emails, people cancelling their displays or postponing them to later in the year hoping that the pandemic would soon be over.
Late Spring & Early summer came, and we were still hopeful that we could still get out to a few countries to compete. Preparations were still going ahead for November shows, Christmas Light displays and global competitions in readiness for the busy November period.
In the coming weeks things did not get any better and we were having our large November shows cancel, all our remaining competitions were postponed to 2021 along with all of our remaining wedding shows. This hit us hard and it was clear that the pandemic was not going to get any better during the winter months, so we had to change the way we ran our business.
What did we do during the pandemic?
After a long weekend of brain storming, research, and facts we came up with a plan and something we could work on from home instead of the usual office. Monday morning came and after a quick zoom meeting we started work on the new Pyrotex Fireworks Retail Site.
In recent years Pyrotex used to have shops in Derby and Burton, but as the business grew with the Professional Displays and International Competitions, we had to let the retail side go. Pyrotex have always stocked a few lines of retail but not like we used to in the shop.
When we were setting the new website up for Pyrotex Fireworks Retail in 2020, we were all complete novices and had never built a website before. Personally, I don’t think we have made a bad job. We all agreed that we wanted the site to look classy, modern, simple, and easy to navigate with a good range of fireworks.
The site soon started to grow once we had got the initial design of the website. Adding products such as, New brands, Merchandise, Display Packs, Gift Cards. Watching thousands of videos and picking the best selection of fireworks that will suit everyone.
Having made the new website live in October 2020, the feedback we received was overwhelming. Loving the brands, selection and website layout. This helped us have the best year on Retail Fireworks to date.
So, What’s 2021 Looking Like For Pyrotex?
2021. We are still in the middle of the pandemic, with things looking like improving with the roll out of the vaccines. So, we are hopeful that Summer 2021 will be a better year and we can all enjoy a firework display again, and get back to doing what we do best.
Pyrotex are currently finishing bits off on the website and processing orders that are coming through. We are looking to re designing our Professional website (now that we know what we are doing!!) Within the last few weeks Pyrotex have been asked to compete in the Firework Champions event again at Belvoir Castle 2021. So, were looking forward to getting out and putting on a fantastic display at this great event. Pyrotex hopes to see you there.
Whilst 2020 has been hard for everyone and a very different year to any other. We have remained positive and tried to push the business forward. Pyrotex have always been one to thrive under pressure and not just push our passion into our displays but come up with new initiative ways to push the business forward too, but this would not be possible without the continued support of our customers and suppliers. So Pyrotex would like to take this opportunity to thank you all!!
- Peter Hemmings
Comments 2
Jim Makiln
I hate this pandemic! Lets hope that its all behind us soon.
Love your shows by the way Pyrotex Fireworks.
Bradley Harris
2020 was such a disappointing year we had to cancel two of our events both of them were booked with Pyrotex Fireworx keep up the good work guys will see you this year hopefully.